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Prestonfield & District Neighbourhood Workers Project

About Prestonfield & District Neighbourhood Workers Project

In the building since it was built, we have run day care, dementia day care, lunch clubs, a Men’s Group, a Women’s Group, a Mental Health Support Group and an Art Group. We offer Personal Footcare and have a fast track system for referrals to NHS when more advanced treatment is needed, we are the only Centre in Edinburgh except for NHS Audiology who, following training from NHS staff, do small repairs and replace the batteries in NHS hearing aids. We organise bus trips and outings for lunch in the good weather and run many activities which include music and singing as well as dancing for those who are able. After the Pandemic we opened the ‘Catch Up Cafe’ a safe space where older people. people who are lonely or socially isolated can meet each Monday for a coffee and a chat. This group has developed over the past year and now includes many former carers who have now lost their ‘cared for person’ and formed their own support group and meet weekly in the Centre but have also started going out together to Shopping Centres or other local places they were unable to when in their Caring role.

63 Prestonfield Avenue, Prestonfield Avenue, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH16 5EX

Service Eligibility

Information for Volunteers

Volunteers will be offered training when they come in to our Centre to work in areas such as Manual Handling, Infection Control, Covid Awareness, First Aid, Food Hygiene and many more subjects to ensure their time supporting our older people gives them the tools they need to work with them during home visits or out in the Community and to also use the digital equipment we have been gifted.

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