South Derbyshire CVS
SDCVS Connect Befriending Service
About South Derbyshire CVS
SDCVS Connect Befriending Service is a free service funded by Derbyshire County Council to deliver a vital lifeline to South Derbyshire residents who are 18 years + and feeling lonely or isolated for whatever reason. Support is provided for as long as needed.We recruit and train befriending volunteers to provide one to one confidential support via a weekly telephone call or weekly home visit, whichever the resident prefers. All befriending volunteers attend training, provide references and undergo a criminal record check.Please ensure you have permission from the person you are referring.For more information please contact us on:01283 addition, South Derbyshire CVS have developed Derbyshire Befriending. This is a network of organisations that offer services and activities which help to reduce and prevent loneliness and isolation for people living in Derbyshire. The purpose of the network is to bring together likeminded organisations to share information and best practice, to offer training and mutual support to help ensure that people have access to wellrun and safe services. You can learn all about the different organisations and what they do by visiting the website –
The Hive, Top Floor Unit G, Sharpes Industrial Estate, Swadlincote, Derbyshire, DE11 9AZ
Service Eligibility
Information for Volunteers
SDCVS Connect Befriending Service are looking for friendly, reliable and caring people to provide a listening ear and chat to residents in South Derbyshire who are lonely or isolated.Our befrienders provide confidential weekly support via a 30 minute phone call or a 1 hour home visit.In return for your time we provide:* Access to free ongoing training opportunities* Paid travel expenses* Free DBS (criminal record) check* Regular support and supervision* Flexibility to fit support around your availability* Socials and celebrations!For more information please contact us on:01283 addition, South Derbyshire CVS have developed Derbyshire Befriending. This is a network of organisations that offer services and activities which help to reduce and prevent loneliness and isolation for people living in Derbyshire. You can learn all about the different organisations, what they do and their volunteer opportunities by visiting the website –