Time to Talk Befriending
About Time to Talk Befriending
We are a relationship centered, excellence accredited, befriending service based in Sussex. We specialise in supporting older people to overcome loneliness through a range of activities from one-to-one befriending, group befriending signposting services, postal outreach, chaplaincy, and seasonal events i.e. Holiday at Home and Thinking of you at Christmas. The charity is rooted in research and every aspect of our service has been developed based on the voice of our older members and volunteers. We believe in the importance of human connection across the generations so have developed a model which galvanises the whole community. Volunteers range from pre-schooler’s and their families to sixth former’s, working age professionals, right through to those in their retirement. We are motivated to ensure that our older members feel visible, honoured and remembered rather than invisble and forgotten within society.
City Coast Centre, North Street, Portslade, East Sussex, BN41 1DG
Service Eligibility
Information for Volunteers
Two factors are key to maintain good health in older age: remaining active and maintaining friendships. Befriending an older person on a weekly or fortnightly basis helps them stay connected. In most cases, it is proven to make a lasting positive difference in their lives. Evidence states that volunteers are just as likely to positively benefit from the experience as the people they help. Feeling valued, creative expression, using skills and engaging with other people all build friendships and enhance feelings of well-being which strengthens resilience during difficult times. To volunteer with us please visit our website www.tttb.org.uk volunteers for further details, call 01273 737710 or email volunteers@tttb.org.uk.