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Sightline – Evelyn: #BefriendingIs making a big difference to my life

Established in 2003, Sightline was set up by Eileen Green who was herself registered blind. She identified a need for visually impaired people to have an opportunity to communicate their experiences, from the comfort of their home. Sadly, Eileen died suddenly in 2013 but her legacy lives on through Sightline, a registered charity based in Lancashire, but operating across the UK. Today, Sightline provides an innovative service focused on delivering practical and emotional support to blind and partially sighted people, through a free* telephone befriending service.


Evelyn’s* Sightline Story

I have marginal vision in my left eye and slightly more in my right.

I had to stop driving 7 years ago and have come a long way since then. As the years go by, I have learnt to deal with the highs and lows. I frequently go out and about and my cane is a lifeline to me.

I am very fortunate that my son and grandson live above my flat and this arrangement works well. I don’t like to impose too much but know that if I need anything they are close by to help. I can always find the odd job or two for my grandson to do when he’s home from college!

I go shopping with my friend so am happy and grateful she will help me make sure I have everything I need at home.

Now the pandemic restrictions are easing I have just joined the church choir, am looking to start a new Fellowship group and even thinking of booking a holiday abroad!

I do get my down days, but now pandemic restrictions are lifting I am getting out and about and meeting more people which is helping hugely.

The befriending service makes a big difference to my life. Whilst I am able to leave the house, I need a friendly ear as I do still spend a lot of time indoors.

It’s hard to decide my favourite memory from my befriending relationship so far but my befriender’s understanding means so much. He knows where I am coming from with my feelings and experiences, and this provides great comfort to me. Knowing what I am going through and understanding my limitations is invaluable.

We both benefit from our befriending relationship and have said we really look forward to our weekly calls.


*Name has been changed to protect identity.


By: Sightline

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