St. Andrews Hospice – #BefriendingIs getting more out of it than you would put in
21st October 2022
During #BefriendingWeek, let’s hear what #BefriendingIs from St. Andrews Hospice:
My name is John and have been a befriender for almost 7 years. During this time, and under the circumstances, I have been lucky enough to have met some wonderful families and although most of the gentlemen I have visited are bed bound, some characters too! When I started, my being with any of the gentlemen allowed their wives a few hours to catch up with their friends to go shopping, have a coffee etc. Every one of them was so appreciative for this small gesture and even today I still receive some Christmas cards. I really look forward to the visits, the banter and the stories. I happen to visit a gentleman around lunch time and I make Lawrence a cup of tea as he always has a Twix chocolate bar ready for us. He has a very sweet tooth and always makes sure to count his 6 sweeteners!! Another gentleman I visit is addicted to the small packets of butterscotch sweets and gets through 4 packets a day. He is on a diet now and only takes 2 packets!! Characters!!! Please believe me, if anyone decides to become a befriender, you will get more out of it than you would put in.
John, St Andrew’s Hospice Clan Befriender.
By: St. Andrews Hospice
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