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St. Andrews Hospice – #BefriendingIs giving me a great sense of satisfaction

During #BefriendingWeek, let’s hear what #BefriendingIs from St. Andrews Hospice:

Befriending gives me a great sense of satisfaction, giving my time to spend with the ladies that I visit. They allow me into their homes to be with them and listen to them, and have helped them to face life more positively. They enjoy my visits and always look forward to them, as do I! I feel I make a difference and that they feel less lonely and isolated. I have got to know them quite well and enjoy chatting to them. We talk a lot about the things we have in common, and I enjoy learning about the things we don’t! It’s great companionship for us both! I would recommend being a befriender because it makes you feel good, knowing that you are helping someone who just needs some companionship, someone to listen to them– especially those that are housebound, it’s another face for them to see. I have been a befriender for several years, maybe not quite as much as 10 but I can say that the support I get in my befriending role from Pauline on the Clan Team is definitely 10 out of 10!

Sr Agnes, St Andrew’s Hospice Clan befriender.



By: St. Andrews Hospice

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