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Time to Talk Befriending

Great Oaks and Little Acorns An intergenerational collaboration between Time to Talk Befriending and Bee in the Woods Forest School in Brighton and Hove, East Sussex

Robina’s Story

I met Time to Talk Befriending when they came to talk at a coffee morning, I attend at the doctor’s surgery. It was here I learned about their forest school project and was invited to become a Great Oak. I really like kids and I don’t get to see my grandchildren or great- grandchildren, so I was excited to meet the Little Acorns in the woods.

If I could describe my experience of the project in 3 words I would say ‘Seeing children expressing themselves’ (that’s four isn’t it?!).

Something I have noticed is that it gives me something to look forward to. I really enjoy being involved in something.

If I could sum up the benefits of taking part in the project, I would say it is being with the little children and meeting their Mums/Dads/Grandmas. I have missed it when it isn’t on (due to the weather!).

I think if I hadn’t been part of this project, I would have missed out on something important. Otherwise I would have just been on my own knitting or in the garden. Instead I knitted with a purpose (little bees) and spent time in the company of others which is important to me.

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