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Time to Talk Befriending – Barbara: #BefriendingIs talking his language!

Founded in 2013, Time to Talk Befriending overcomes loneliness experienced by older people through a range of relationship-centred, excellence accredited, befriending services. The charity currently operates across Brighton and Hove, Adur and Worthing in Sussex and specialises in intergenerational projects, chaplaincy, and signposting, in addition to providing a blended model of telephone, face to face and group befriending. 


The mutual benefits of befriending!  

Rupert was referred to Time to Talk Befriending in 2017 because he had become housebound due to a decline in his health. His wife Barbara was his main carer. Barbara felt Rupert needed companionship at home. She also wanted to take some time out for herself to pop to the local village, so befriending offered the perfect solution!

Rupert was in his mid nineties when we met him. He had a rich life history to share and many stories to tell. Especially about his time as a professional cricketer for Sussex. When Rupert passed away Barbara and Michael continued with the be-friendship and the rest as they say is history!

Not only do Barbara and Michael keep in touch on the phone but they often meet for coffee in Barbara’s garden on sunny days! In addition, Barbara has become friends with Michaels wife Anne who is also a volunteer at the charity! What more could we ask for?!


What Befriending meant to my husband Rupert.

By Barbara Webb

“It brought contentment. Very importantly, it gave him a sense of worth, because somebody was visiting, and somebody was talking his language, so that’s two. Erm, and if I’m allowed to say this, when I left them and went to bring cups of coffee and they’d be roaring with laughter so I think I’ve gotta say, ‘fun’! There’d be lots of laughter going on and I think Michael (befriender) enjoyed it because he was so potty on cricket! And another thing was, Michael, when he was much younger, used to go to Sussex County Cricket club and he had seen Rupert play. So the whole thing  was a very, very clever bonding of everything, and it worked.”


By: Time to Talk Befriending

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