Time to Talk Befriending – #BefriendingIs Enriching, life-affirming and joyous
21st October 2022
During #BefriendingWeek, let’s hear what #BefriendingIs from Time to Talk Befriending:
Cheryl and Claire are birthday twins! Both born on the 10th of the month!!
Claire says:
“Befriending is enriching, life-affirming and joyous, especially when I realised that my match had the same birthday as me, 30 years apart. We celebrate every year together and go out for some food. We’ve been friends through both of my pregnancies and she loves to see my sons too when it’s possible. Befriending has been one of the best volunteering projects I’ve ever been part of. You can form an amazing friendship with someone you may never have met otherwise and it is something you can continue with as long as you wish.”
By:Time to Talk Befriending
If you’re inspired and would like to get involved please visit:
Time To Talk Befriending – Overcoming loneliness together through befriending across Brighton and Hove, Adur and Worthing. (tttb.org.uk)