Volunteer Week Activity in Edinburgh!
30th June 2022
Thank you for the funding M&G Community Grants, we were able to gather 18 befriending organisations in Edinburgh during Volunteers’ Week at Eric Liddell Centre to celebrate and thank you their volunteers for their contributions on 1st June alongside Volunteer Scotland!
People keep coming, celebrating the contribution made by these outstanding volunteers!
Activities – Resilience, how far can you stretch?
Activities – Boundaries, Navigating perspectives on appropriateness
Awards – thanking volunteers with badges, mugs, and certificates! The badges and mugs with Befriending Networks logo on are especially made for the event tonight, showing our appreciation to outstanding befrienders!
Awards – thank you Margaret Starkie @VolScotland
for presenting the certificates, badges, and mugs to the outstanding befrienders!
Befrienders – we want to say THANK YOU !
Great befriending forests created by the befrienders
THANK YOU to all befriending organisations who were abel to join us for the event.
Thank you again to all befrienders!