Volunteers’ Week in Review
3rd June 2021
Volunteers’ Week 1-7 June has been a wonderful time of thanking volunteer befrienders for the enthusiasm, dedication and support they show all year. Here’s a special Thank You message from Befriending Networks CEO Sarah Van Putten:
It is always inspiring to hear from volunteers themselves about what befriending brings to their lives. Konstantina, a befriender with Age UK South Gloucestershire shared how befriending was a way of “giving to the community and society she lives in and also to find a good friend, which I found in John (whom she was matched with)”. Read more about Konstantina and John’s journey here.
It has been amazing to see so many of Befriending Networks’ members getting involved and thanking volunteers through safe in-person and outdoor gatherings, Big Lunches, zoom parties, sending thank you cards and gifts and more. Posts on social media, like these, spread the celebrations!
The message of being thanked, seen and appreciated is particularly significant this year, when so many volunteers have been befriending at a distance and may not have had as much ‘face time’ with their organisations and as the year continues continuing the spirit of gratitude that has infused this week, will remain important. With Volunteers’ Week starting off June’s Months of Community (including Carers’ Week, Small Charities Week, Loneliness Awareness Week, The Great Get Together, Thank You Day and more) there will certainly be plenty more opportunities to share how your organisation and it’s volunteers are making a difference!