Befriending Week – 1-7 November 2024 – click here for more information.

Welcoming our new CEO Susan Hunter

Today we begin the process of welcoming our new CEO Susan Hunter. Glenn Liddall, Chair, Befriending Networks said “The Board and I are delighted to welcome Susan Hunter as Befriending Networks new CEO, as Sarah Van Putten moves onto join The Donaldson’s Trust. Sarah and Susan are working together on a smooth transition to hand over the reins. As an organisation we have been in very capable hands over the last 5 years with the organisation becoming truly UK-wide and navigating Covid-19. We look ahead now with Susan taking up the leadership role and look forward to further developments that support befriending in communities.”


Susan officially takes over the reins on the 6th March joining us from her position as Chief executive of Youth Borders.  Susan said “I am delighted to be joining Befriending Networks. I look forward to making meaningful connections with the Befriending Networks team, trustees, members, and stakeholders. It will be my privilege to work alongside the growing membership and to ensure that the befriending sector continues to be supported, represented, and recognised.”


As Sarah ties up the loose ends she shared the her reflections “As I move on I feel immensely proud of the journey myself and the team have been on over the last 5 ½  years along with our ever growing membership.  We have steered a way through the pandemic supporting the initial transition to distance and telephone befriending, to now the mixed models that many of our members are providing and to meeting the increased needs and numbers of referrals that members are receiving. Our other areas of growth have been our more professional approach to learning and development, Quality in Befriending, membership support, setting up of Managers Network sessions, and our rising profile with the devolved governments meaning that we are more effective as the voice of Befriending.  I wish you the members and Befriending networks every success in future.”


* Photo: Sarah Van Putten and Susan Hunter

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