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Poetry for Befriending Week

Befriending Week is a time to celebrate and recognise the incredible impact that befriending has on people’s lives.

Helen Mason, a scheme member at Time to Talk Befriending, has experienced this first-hand.

Helen enjoyed a fulfilling career as a much loved and respected childminder, a job she adored and would have loved to do for far longer than she was able. Moving reluctantly into retirement living on her own, she experienced loneliness, and writing poetry became a new focus.

Helen became a scheme member of Time to Talk Befriending, giving her the company of a befriender, and the charity started to share her poetry in their newsletters.

Time to Talk supported Helen to release her first collection of poetry, “I continue my journey”. It was produced in the year she turned 80 years old, complete with illustrations by Ellen Stewart.

My befriender phones me every week
It is a joy to hear her speak
She has a full time job to do
But makes time to include me too

Our lives have changed dramatically
I’ve got a friend who welcomes me
The time now passes pleasantly
Now I’ve got some company

To download the e-book of Helen’s poetry, click the button below.

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